
I'm currently living in beautiful Seattle, Washington, where the coffee is strong and the craft beer scene is magical. When it's not raining, I like playing hockey with my 2 kids and building things in my backyard maker space. I’ve been known for prototyping some pretty ridiculous things such as The Ice Wrapper, The Toothbrush Zamboni and The Pepper Horn. If you want to know any more about the work I'm doing, drop me an email at adamsriddle@gmail.com or swing by Google’s office in Seattle.


2022-Now // Google, Material Design Team
2019-2021 // Oracle
2016-2019 // Microsoft
2013-2015 // Schacht Aslani Architects
2011-2013 // Offshoot Design
2008-2011 // SmithGroup JJR


Figma, Sketch, Principle
After Effects, Cinema 4D, Photoshop, Illustrator
AutoDesk 3ds Max, SketchUP, V-Ray, Revit
Microsoft Office Suite


2018 // 2nd Place - Microsoft Hackathon for Annotation Layers UX
2017 // American Institute of Architects Design Award of Merit
2016 // 1st Place - Science & Technology Showcase - University of Washington
2016 // R&D Magazine Lab of the Year for University of Illinois ECE
2015 // Chicago Building Congress Merit Award for Argonne National Labs
2015 // AIA National Emerging Professional Award for Chasing Walnut
2014 // AIA National Emerging Professional Award for Assembly of Nine
2012 // Green GOOD DESIGN Award for University of Illinois ECE
2008 // AIA Committee on the Environment Award
2007 // Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Design Competition Winner


2016 // University of Washington - Master of Human-Computer Interaction + Design
2008 // University of Minnesota - Master of Architecture
2003 // University of Minnesota - Bachelor of Science in Architecture


2024 // Contributor to The Effective Product Designer by Artiom Dashinsky
2020 // UIST submission -
Tilt-Responsive Techniques for Digital Drawing Boards (contributors: Ken Hinkley, Hugo Romat, Nathalie Henry Riche, Michel Pahud, Christopher Collins, Christian Holz, Adam Riddle, William Buxton)
2019 //
80 UX Portfolios